“A healthy dosage of soundtrack-driven, ritual-laden, and tangled ferocity, First Rebirth finds solace in dark electronic caverns. “Abyss Is Calling” yields an abstract refinement, curiously, and chaotic beauty start to end.
Fans of early Amon Tobin will benefit from First Rebirth’s sophomore album – a visceral audio-collage blending instrumental and digital disorder. Easily a worthy trip to get lost within, and a fine backdrop for a dystopian world you might find on the other side of the Milky Way.”
Igloo Magazine
“The music [on “Abyss Is Calling”] is as solid as anything found on the Tympanik label, reminiscent of classic releases yet clearly contemporary.
The modernity is present in the crisp production values and the blend of influences, from dark ambient to IDM. The album flows as a single unit, sequenced in such a way as to tell a story. This is the artist’s story, and it doesn’t have a happy ending, but the struggle bleeds nobility. “Abyss Is Calling” is the sound of a hard road traveled, an emotional conflict made into musical metaphor.
The album offers the sense of living in something larger: a dramatic battle between good and evil, which might be a battle within the soul but feels like a battle between replicants and the Tyrell Corporation.
Paradoxically, the protagonist of the album seems to have fallen into the abyss by the end, but the artist himself has experienced his first rebirth.”
A Closer Listen“The last album of the Kaliningrad based project, released on the famous independent Argentine label. Still saturated with ethnic and tribalistic motifs, woven with elastic threads into the industrial skeleton, as tough, so diverse due to experimental rhythmic forms, as well as ambient textures of varying degrees of roughness, it became even more personal and turned inward than even the past works of the musician. Fragmentation of the personality, self-denial and painful paroxysms – all that threatens to immerse into the abyss. The inner abyss, that turns into a personal hell.”
“A dark and deep electronic album, mesmerizing from start to finish, on the very good Argentinean netlabel Abstrakt Reflections.”
SeekSickSound“First Rebirth is a project of the types of electronica/experimental/trip-hop operated with very reasonable contents of the tools used to give the form of tracks, generous a natural and sincere simplicity emotions.
In Anton Chirtsov’s work, darkness penetrates to deep melancholy, but not poor pathos! Sounds are consisting of a tunnel trip, going into with fear and anxiety you’ll manage to find the light in the end of the way. That’s kind of promise, intended treatment of travel theme, incentives entrance to your own post-apocalyptic zone, like in Tarkovsky work. Tracks are various in a rate and in the mood, the differences are the most recognizable compared “Last Runaway” EP 2009 with full album “Inner Darkness, Outer Light” LP 2014. It’s like reviving spring morning walk in a collision with insane storm in visibility meter in length.
This mood is perfectly defines by the position 11 from “Inner Darkness, Outer Light” LP 2014, which is a song called “Gates Are Open” allegory of the infinite return to Chirtsov music, freezing you in the state which you will never leave the zone. I encourage you to check First Rebirth discography but I am sure that fully understanding of the project soul is live confrontation. Composition, tempo, style are the factors that are responsible for the listener on an emotional game, however, Chirtsov departing the stage is a view when the music becomes part of image what necessary achieve complete satisfaction.”
Aleksandra Miedzynska My Kaliningrad
“Best Creative Commons Album 2009” at Netaudio Berlin Festival 2009
Phlow Magazine
“Elements of trip-hop and electronica here all fused nicely with some glitch and filter. I’m really taken by releases that, while experimental, still keep you listening with construction and flow. It’s a good differentiator as getting these elements right is not easy. Luckily for us it has been done well here.”
First Rebirth interview for Enough Records (2013):
Enough Records